With the addition of Donald Sutherland as Snow, the cast for The Hunger Games is complete! I made this on Picnik. (Totally worth the $24 a year subscription!)
May 31, 2011
May 30, 2011
Book Talk Tuesday
My rules?
1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
2. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them.
3. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
4. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
5. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-4.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!) New... I have archived all previous Book Talk Tuesday Posts at this blog! Stop by and see what we have posted. I thought it would be nice to have all BTT in one spot.The last week of school is upon me- with so much to do, I feel like I will never get things done! So many books to shelve, equipment to check it- and we are getting all new computers this summer in the computer lab. I can't complain too much since I only have to work 186 days out of the year. What are your plans for the week? Or... how did you spend Memorial Day weekend?
May 29, 2011
Drumroll Please...
I was so excited when I saw the new cover of DARTH PAPER STRIKES BACK that I had to make a video! Even if it was 11:00 PM!
(Tom posted my trailer on his blog- zooiemama!)
May 24, 2011
Go Hawks!
I can't resist this post, even though it has nothing to do with literature or the library. But, I did take the pictures, so it can count as an AV/tech post!
We were honored by a visit from Iowa Hawkeye Football Coach Kirk Ferentz today! He spoke to us about character and teamwork. Very inspiring!May 23, 2011
Get Your Summer Read On!
Each year, the ICCSD Librarians compile the best books and create summer reading lists for kids in grades K-8. We (librarians) create curricular bibliographies throughout the spring, and it's these lists we use to create the Summer Reading Lists. Most, if not all of these books, can be found at your local school or public library. Check them out!
If you are interested in joining a summer reading program in town, the public libraries have plenty to offer!
Check out the Coralville Library Reading Program here!
Check out the Iowa City Library Reading program here!
Check out the Iowa City Library Reading program here!
Will you be out of town or on the road a lot this summer? Try The Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge!
What does the ALA have to say about the importance of
Summer Reading Programs? Glad you asked! Read about it here!
Summer Reading Programs? Glad you asked! Read about it here!
For parents and kids in fifth grade or higher, I suggest Goodreads.com! You can sign up using an email account and record all of the books you have read, are reading and want to read. You can set goals for yourself and see what your friends are reading. This is intended for tweens, young adults and adults. Please know that messages can be sent and there will be links and other interaction that is not supervised. This is the perfect time to talk to your child about your internet use expectations! You can check out MY Goodreads.com account here- and if you join, add me as a friend!
Book Talk Tuesday

1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
2. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them.
3. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
4. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
5. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-4.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!)
New... I have archived all previous Book Talk Tuesday Posts at this blog! Stop by and see what we have posted. I thought it would be nice to have all BTT in one spot.
This week when you comment- tell us your plans foe summer vacation! Our summer vacation begins in 7 days. My only plan so far is to spend the entire day- from open to close- at the pool on the first day of vacation. I have promised my 7 year old that we will go all day and even eat lunch there. Other than that- we plan on hitting Chicago and Des Moines. I see lots of sidewalk chalk and trips to the park in my future! What about you?
New... I have archived all previous Book Talk Tuesday Posts at this blog! Stop by and see what we have posted. I thought it would be nice to have all BTT in one spot.
This week when you comment- tell us your plans foe summer vacation! Our summer vacation begins in 7 days. My only plan so far is to spend the entire day- from open to close- at the pool on the first day of vacation. I have promised my 7 year old that we will go all day and even eat lunch there. Other than that- we plan on hitting Chicago and Des Moines. I see lots of sidewalk chalk and trips to the park in my future! What about you?
May 19, 2011
Keep Calm and READ On!
Krystel over at the Smithville Library is a rock star librarian, just like me. She is encouraging her students to...
I think it is a grand idea and we should do the same!
Archives are Hip
I have decided to start archiving all Book Talk Tuesday posts. You never know when Blogger might self-implode or something! Also, I am all about quick access- I get irritated when I have to dig through a blog! So, I have created a blog dedicated to previous Book Talk Tuesday posts. You can access them by date- all on one page. Keep this handy and you will have hundreds of book talks to share! Share it with colleagues and they can learn about great books too!
If you have any ideas, questsion or concerns, please email me. I would eventually like to add a blogroll of all the regular blogs that post each week.
FuseNews Luvs Book Talk Tuesday!
I have been very lucky to have The Lemme Library mentioned in one of my favorite bloggers. Betsy Bird at FuseNews has a great point of view and sense of humor. She posts the most interesting links and keeps be up to date on the latest trends and issues. Book Talk Tuesday is mentioned in her post today- and I can't thank her enough for the shout out. The whole reason we do BTT is to spread the word about amazing books for kids PK-8. If you are a new visitor, please come back next Monday at 7 PM central to post your review- or come back and visit all of the amazing blogs that post each week!
From FuseNes:
"We have Nonfiction Mondays, Poetry Fridays, and my own Video Sundays. So why not Book Talk Tuesdays? That’s the idea behind The Lemme Library’s newest feature, and it’s a bloody good idea. A well-written book talk is (to a children’s or YA librarian) worth its weight in gold. Check out the newest links gathered this week and get some ideas for book talks of your own."
From FuseNes:
"We have Nonfiction Mondays, Poetry Fridays, and my own Video Sundays. So why not Book Talk Tuesdays? That’s the idea behind The Lemme Library’s newest feature, and it’s a bloody good idea. A well-written book talk is (to a children’s or YA librarian) worth its weight in gold. Check out the newest links gathered this week and get some ideas for book talks of your own."
May 17, 2011
May 16, 2011
Book Talk Tuesday
Let's hope Blogger doesn't delete this baby! I have been searching the web for a great place to post book reviews for librarians and teachers to use in the classroom. Well, I am going to try hosting my own Book Talk Tuesday! I invite teachers, moms, dads and librarians to link to a recent book talk or book review that can be used by others.

1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
2. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them.
3. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
4. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
5. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-4.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!)
Okay, this week, when you leave a comment, tell us about the job you hold and how that impacts your blog.I'll go first: I am a librarian at a K-6 school in Iowa City. I started this blog to keep track of the books I have read. There are days when all good books vanish from my brain, and I have a horrible time doing any reader's advisory. Now, I can turn to my blog or send a student to my blog in search of a great book. I also include projects and student art, as well as things related to my job that amuse or astound me. I hope that someone besides me is reading this ting! How about you?
May 13, 2011
Proof Positive!
I've obtained proof that I actually rock as much as I claim to.
Check it, peeps:
Thanks Simeon, Corrine & Ammon!
I'm a Mac. I'm a PC. I'm a Basketcase!
Starting immediately, ICCSD will stop purchasing Macintosh computers in favor of 1 platform- Windows. Let me first say that I don't envy the people involved in making this decision for our district- it hasn't been easy.
I understand the reasons I've been given for the change- it is more affordable to purchase and support 1 platform. I get that, I respect that, but I am still a little sad and a little disappointed. I am a dual platform librarian- I have a Mac and a PC at home and Macs, (let's say 90 or more) at school. I value the differences of each platform and respect what each platform has to offer. I know this decision is one of money, but I can't help but take it a little personally. The entire country is "Mac vs PC". You've seen the commercials. Depending on the company I am with, I may or may not admit to having a Mac. Even my husband rolls his eyes at me when I talk about my Apple MacBook. Mac is a dirty word to some people, and I feel that my allegiance to Apple causes people to take me less seriously.
As a librarian, I strive to make technology something that my teachers and kids aren't afraid of. I worry, selfishly, that switching platforms midstream will cause a ton of work for me. Reteaching 350 kids how to log in, save, find files and navigate on a new computer is a daunting task. Buying and finding new software that is compatible with my new platform causes me to see dollar signs. The thought of viruses infiltrating my innocent Mac school makes me tremble. Saying goodbye to Garage Band makes me tear up a little (I can do without iPhoto- I have a Picnik subscription!) But, I am taking one for the team, as I don't have a choice and will put on my happy librarian smile and make everyone feel comfortable. That is my job, but I need to write this post as a part of my grieving process... yes, grieving process. I will miss the familiarity and ease of my Macs.
A part of me is excited to start this new adventure... a little part of me. The part of me that doesn't have to explain this decision to teachers. At least I will be able to discuss my platform in mixed company... Apple users always tend to be more accepting of PCs than the other way around. Someone please tell me if I become one of those pompus PC users I have met in my lifetime (Hello- I am MARRIED to one!)
Goodbye, old friend. Thanks for the memories.
This is a repost- the Blogger crash deleted this post... Blogger issue or PC operative? : ) Happy Friday the 13th!
**To cover my bases, the exact ICCSD policy reads:
"In these times of extremely limited funding, budget reductions, and budget reallocations, it is not fiscally prudent for the district to continue supporting two platforms. Beginning immediately, the district will only purchase PCs except for very limited, and rare, instances where a case is made for a small-scale deployment of Apples. The process to determine how to process requests for exceptions is still under development."
May 9, 2011
Book Talk Tuesday
I feel like the White Hare from Alice in Wonderland! I'm late! I'm late! I hope my tardiness doesn't result in lower numbers this week! Sorry, gang! And does this font look small, or ist it just me?!?! I have a case of the Mondays! : )
I have been searching the web for a great place to post book reviews for librarians and teachers to use in the classroom. Well, I am going to try hosting my own Book Talk Tuesday! I invite teachers, moms, dads and librarians to link to a recent book talk or book review that can be used by others.

1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
2. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them.
3. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
4. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
5. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-4.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!)
I'd love it if you would leave a comment telling me about yourself! telling me anything that you'd like! Ask me anything, tell me anything, suggest a good book or a new blog post topic. You are welcome to grab the Book Talk Tuesday graphic to use it on your blog.
1. | 13. | 25. | |||
2. | 14. | 26. | |||
3. | 15. | 27. | |||
4. | 16. | 28. | |||
5. | 17. | 29. | |||
6. | 18. | 30. | |||
7. | 19. | 31. | |||
8. | 20. | 32. | |||
9. | 21. | 33. | |||
10. | 22. | ||||
11. | 23. | ||||
12. | 24. |
Mrs. Hall's Yodas
Today we did the photo shoot for next year's school calendar. Mrs. Hall's class rings in December Yoda Style! So cool!
May 8, 2011
Tomorrow is a Big Day!
Tomorrow is a BIG day! Tomorrow is the day that Kirby Larson's new book The Friendship Doll comes out! I read this book a few months ago and I adore it. Now, with the entire world about to read this book, I feel very protective. Kind of like sending my child off to school for the first time... Will they like it? Will they love it? Will they be mean to it and bully it? (Not possible, by the way!) Will people appreciate it like I do? This isn't even MY book and I am worked up- I can only imagine how Kirby feels on this- the eve of her book release. There is no turning back now, girl! I am sending good vibes your way!
Rock Star Mentality
Last week I had a chance to write a guest post over at ECSLibrary. This week I get to bring the post home to The Lemme Library. Here it is!

How do you adopt this rockstar-mentality?
1. You have to be the librarian that kids love and the librarian that loves kids. When you walk around the library helping kids, there should be a flock of kids following you, waiting for you to help THEM find a great book. Kids should wave to you in the hall and yell your name when you walk to your car during lunch recess.
2. You have to know your kids and what they are passionate about. Once you know that, you have to get books about those topics into their hands. If you know that Ceci loves horses- every single Monday you BEST have at least 3 great horse books ready for her. She may ask for your autograph, so be ready.
3. You have to refrain from taking yourself so seriously. Yes, with librarianship comes great responsibility- budget, networking, collection development, yadda-yadda-yadda. But really, you wouldn’t have a job if you didn’t have those kids. So, forget about all that business mumbo-jumbo and remember why you actually became a SCHOOL librarian and not a law librarian. Have fun. Laugh. Be silly. Break rules and never, ever shush people.
4. You have to build the trust of your students. Don’t hand them a book you’ve never read. This means more work for you- lots of late nights reading, but it pays off. Don’t tell a kid that a book is awesome if you hated it. They know and they will think you like bad books. Keep your promises. If you say you are going to do something- do it. They may be “just kids”, but they are smart and they remember everything. If they can trust you, they will keep coming back to you.

Rockstars aren’t made overnight. It will take some time and dedication, but if you follow these 4 steps, you will discover your inner rockstar. You may be rolling your eyes after reading this, thinking: “Rockstar? How silly! I have my masters degree in Information Science- I will never act like a rockstar!” But remember, you are the only one standing between your students and all of those life-changing books. If acting like a rockstar gets one kid- just 1 kid to read a book, isn’t it worth it? That’s what I thought. Rock on.
Am I Crazy?
I think I just signed up for the 48 Hour Book Challenge over at Mother Reader! Can I do it? The 48 hour challenge starts June 3 and ends June 5. I am to record every minute I spend reading- my goal? I am going for 12 hours. If I didn't have 2 kids, I could do 24 hours easy! Do you want to join too? Head on over and read all about it!
May 6, 2011
Book Blogger Hop
This week over at CRAZY FOR BOOKS, the question of the week is:
"Which book blogger would you most like to meet in real life?"
Until recently, I wouldn't be able to answer this question. For me, blogging was a lonely pastime. I always wanted to share with other bloggers, but the opportunity never presented itself to me. But, then I stepped out of the Facebook craze and signed up for a Twitter account. @LemmeLibrary by the way... Twitter opened a whole new world to me that has allowed me to be a better blogger. I have met other bloggers and had a chance to share my work with bloggers, librarians, authors and editors. So, I am happy to say that I can answer this question- it only took 1 year, but better late than never, right?

Nancy Jo over at The Early Childhood School Library Blog have become tweeps. I started following her on Twitter and when she learned about Boot Talk Tuesday here at my blog, we had an instant connection. She has posted books every Tuesday. We share ideas via Twitter and now email. This week, Nancy asked me to write a guest post for her blog, a first for me! We seem to have the same philosophy about librarianship and the importance of books in the lives of children. I would worry what might happen if 2 such bloggers were ever in the same room... some kind of rift in the universe?
May 5, 2011
Latest Displays
Looky What I Got!
I am a loyal 1st Avenue Hy Vee customer during the week. It is very close to Lemme School- I go nearly every day! (My husband works for the company and I put myself through college working there myself!) Each year, Hy Vee has a "Spring Time Party" where each store spring cleans and decorates the entire store in a fun theme. To my surprise and delight, I walked in on 1st Avenue Hy Vee's Party and found a CHILDREN'S LITERATURE theme! The entire store was decked to the nines in all of the characters and pages from classic children's books. One of the show stoppers was a ginormous version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. When I saw that- I knew it had to be mine. I asked them to hold it for me and 1 week later, it arrived- delivered by 2 very friendly and smiling Hy Vee Employees. I was mortified to learn that this monstrosity would not fit into the building, let alone the library. I left it outside for the night and hoped for the best. I came to school the next morning to find that the book had magically been brought into the building by our amazing custodian, Annie. For the rest of the morning, Annie and Mr B plotted how they would get the book into the library. 1 toolbox, a little elbow grease and a handful of very long screws later, the book arrived safely in the library. The kids love it and I love it- I am so thankful to the friends who helped get it here! And- a big pat on the back to 1st Ave Hy Vee for taking on such a beautiful and meaningful theme- the community has loved it. I love this book so much that when I retire, I may turn it into my summer home.
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The Front Cover! |
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The back cover! |
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A cute little model to put the size in perspective! |
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