January 24, 2011

Top Ten for Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Since I have started my blog, I have discovered so many great librarian/book-lover blogs.  These blogs make me think, inspire me and motivate me.  Today, I share my 10 most visited blogs.  Enjoy! (And thank you!)
Welcome to My Tweendom is written by Stacy Dillon who is a school librarian.  She blogs reviews for young adult and children's books.   Her "On The Clipboard" posts are a great look in to what kids are really checking out and I like to see how my kids compare to hers.

Curious George's Notes from the Hut: I love local, independent bookstores (ie, Prairie Lights) and that is what Curious George is.  Located on Harvard Square across from Harvard Yard, this blog offers up great reviews and news from the world of children's literature.  

The Coralville Central Library is written by a local Iowa City teacher-librarian, who also happens to work in my school district!  Devin and I started exploring the world of librarian-blogging at the same time.  I check her blog weekly to see what she is up to across town.  We both agree that writing a blog is theraputic- and it is as much for our students and parents as it is for us. Devin also maintains a wonderful site for the Iowa Children's Choice Award nominees, where people can read about the books and then write about their reactions to the book.  This is something that I hope Devin will do next year- as I value it greatly!

The Jacket Knack:  This blog explores the world of cover art in children's and young adult books.  I too, judge books by their covers and encourage children to do the same.

Madigan ReadsMadigan McGillicuddy is a  blogging librarian who posts reviews of books for kids of all ages from birth through teenage years.  I like the voice in her reviews and the books she shares are relevant to what I am currently doing with my kids. 
Miss Yingling Reads: Miss Yinling posts reviews for middle school age students, "especially boys", fiction and YA fiction.  I love her "Not what I wanted Wednesday" posts, where she discusses her disappointment in certain titles she has received.  Her posts have allowed me to be a little more critical in my reviews and to post a review even if it isn't all positive.  There are books for all readers and readers for all books, and just because I don't like a certain book, doesn't mean that someone else won't. 

This is the blog from The Carelton Place Public Library in Ontario, Canada.  The website describes them as a small library, but man, their blog packs a big punch!  I have discovered many new links by visiting their blog.

Written by librarian, Travis Jonker, this blog hits the spot!  He offers up book reviews, great links and wonderful author videos.  His sense of humor is right in line with mine- he doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, and I appreciate that!

Sarah is a tween-teen librarian and posts great reviews of books that will appeal to my older students.

In their own words: "Here’s something else we both love: children’s books. And we want to share our favorites with you. But not because reading is good for you, as surely your teacher has told you. No offense to your teacher, but a good book goes way beyond that; it consumes and entertains you in a way that nothing else can — not even Joe Jonas performing “Single Ladies” in a leotard (although we must admit, that comes a close second)."

And, here is a video of Joe in the leotard:


  1. Thank you so much! A lot of these blogs are already known to me, but a few of them are new. I'll have to check them out!

  2. Thank you so much for including us in your Top Ten list today! How exciting! It's so nice to hear from people who read the blog and come back everyday. I know we enjoy doing it, so we really appreciate it!

  3. I'm going to pass this along to my librarian sister. I love a good book blog too!

  4. I've had the kind of January week where this means a lot. (Really? Two flat tires, throwing up child AND the microwave goes bad?)I'm glad the blog has been helpful to you. Thanks for the love.

  5. I'm looking forward to checking these out. Thanks for posting!
