March 27, 2012

Ole! Bloggiesta Challange: MisterLinky

Have you ever wanted readers to post a link on your blog post, but you didn't want them to use the comment section to do it? May be you want your readers to share a link to their latest book review or how to post.  You keep using the comment section because you are intimidated by HTML or you don't have the time to try something new. Well- you have time! And let me tell you, you can leave this blog today with a new weapon in your blog arsenal!
Today you will learn how to use Mr Linky. Mr Linky is a widget  that you embed into your blog post which allows readers to leave a link to their blog. It is super fast, super easy, FREE and it increases reader participation.

I have used Mr. Linky for the last year for Book Talk Tuesday and I have found it to be reliable and safe.  Still confused about what Mr. Linky can do for you? Here is a screenshot of Mr. Linky in action from Book Talk Tuesday (a weekly "carnival" that allows readers to share links to their book reviews). All of the blue text next to numbers are links that readers have left using Mister Linky.

Your Mini Challenge assignment: This weekend, try this tutorial on YOUR blog and then leave a link to it in MY MisterLinky at the end of this post.

There are 2 tutorials here... the super simple tutorial and the more thorough walkthrough.  Here is the simpler version:
  1. Create an account at the Mr. Linky site.
  2. Next, click on the Wizard link at the top of the page.
  3. Choose your blog server
  4. Choose the widget you want to use (I usually just use Original Auto-Linkies). FREE!
  5. Click on the Generate Code button.
  6. Follow the instructions provided.
Here is the thorough walkthrough:
Step 1: Go to the home of Mr. Linky's Magical Widgets

Step 2: Register. Completely free and I have never received a single email from ever.

Step 3: Get started making a linky for your blog! Click on Wizard to get started.

Step 4: Customize your linky. Choose your blog service in step 1. That will determine which widgets you can use.

Step 5: Choose your widget. Please note that some of these widgets are only available for paying customers. (I have never been a paying customer).

Step 5A: Which widget is for you? Click on the preview to see what they look like. I always use the Original Auto Linkies. This is embedded right into your post, no pop up window! If you need more answers, check out Blenza's widget FAQ.

Step 6: Generate the code. I never select a meme from the list- no need to. Click the Generate Code button.
Step 7: On this page you will see the actual code that you will paste into your blog post. Copy the entire bit of text and then go to your blog post.
Step 8: Go to the blog post you are composing. When you are ready to insert the HTML, click the HTML button (in blogger at least!) I always use 3 *** to indicate where I want to place my HTML code. That way, if I get lost, I can ctrl-F those 3 little *** and know exactly where to paste.  After you have pasted it, go back to Compose mode- but don't panic! YOU WILL NOT SEE THE LINKY UNTIL YOU PUBLISH OR PREVIEW THE POST!
 Step 9: Finish your blog post and publish as usual. This is what it should look like:

Now your readers can post their links!

Important tips:
1. Unless you pay for a gold membership, you can only display 1 linky at a time. It is important to go back and close each linky when you are done with it. But- before you do that, copy all of the links and paste them into your blog post- that way you have them forever and ever!  The linky widget will be gone, but the links will remain. As long as you have an account, you can access your old linkies. Go to the Widget page and click on the linky you want to close. Click close now. (You can reopen it at a later time!)
2. If someone posts something that needs to be removed, you can delete the post and mark it as spam. You access this function on the Widget page. Sometimes I have readers who post the wrong link and leave a comment about their error- I can easily go in and delete the post.
3. The link doesn't show up right away! t might take a few seconds to a few minutes. Some readers get nervous that they did it wrong and keep posting and posting. You can delete those extra posts.

MisterLinky might be my favorite way to share links on a blog, but it isn't the only one! You might want to check these options out as well!
Linky Tools 2012: Linky Tools is a suite of content and linking tools for your blog.
Linky Tools has many different kinds of linky lists, some are text links, some are images (thumbnails).
You have total control over your linky lists: when they appear, when people can enter, editing/deleting entries, etc. There are many options for each list that help you control how it works on your blog.

Simply Linked: The SimplyLinked widget allows you to set up linky lists on your blog or web site. SimplyLinked widgets are the easiest way to set and manage your list of participants. Choose your widget, copy and paste some code, and you're done. We'll do the rest.

If you have a favorite, leave a comment and tell us about it!

I will be here all weekend to answer any questions. Find me on Twitter @Thebookbutcher, leave a comment or drop me an email message:

March 26, 2012

The Spotted Cottage

Thanks to The K-Kids led by Mr. Jim Dane, we now have the most beautiful, most amazing book house! The K-Kids worked so hard over the last year and a half to gather enough donated books for its creation. The Old Capitol Kiwani's worked many, many hours to plan, construct and finalize the house. Mr. Jones painted the walls of the house in brilliant colors! This book house will forever stand in the library for all to see and enjoy. Thank you to all involved in its creation!

Happy Hunger Games to All!

What a party! "Best party ever!" is what the 5th and 6th graders are reporting back to their teachers! Today during lunch, we celebrated the release of the Hunger Games movie! This was a very exclusive party. If you wanted to attend, you had to take a HG quiz and score 80% or better. If you got in, you received a very rare Panem Lottery Ticket to gain entry:

KAtniss ready to meet her guests

I wonder what Haymitch is sending us?

The attendees enjoyed some delicacies:

Homemade cupcakes! I used chocolate and piped it onto parchment paper in the shape of the Mockingjay

Cinnamon Jolly Ranchers

Pita Chips




Then we had a little hand to hand combat! We played Trackerjacker tag- I think I lost! Then, we played... well, I don't think it has a name! We'll call it "Keep the Orange on the Spoon" game! Maeghan was our Victor!

Then we just spent a little time chillaxin' with The Girl on fire!

March 24, 2012

My Hunger Games Movie "Review"

Kiley and I just got back from The Hunger Games movie. Yes, I took my 8 year old to this movie. She loved it.  Here is my "review"...relatively spoiler free, for your reading pleasure!

This is me sitting in the theater with my pop and popcorn;

This is me waiting for the 157th preview to end:

This is me when Katniss volunteers to take Prim's place in the games:

This is me when Katniss says goodbye to Gale for the last time:

This is me reacting to Effie Trinket:

 This is me when Rue dies:

This is me when the Mutts jump out of the woods:

This is me when the gamekeepers yell "STOP" to keep the remaining tributes from eating the berries:

This is me when Cato dies:

This is me when the final credits started rolling:

This is me when I realized how long I will have to wait for the next movie: