November 28, 2011

Book Talk Tuesday

I have been searching the web for a great place to post book reviews for librarians and teachers to use in the classroom.  Well, I am going to try hosting my own Book Talk Tuesday!  I invite teachers and librarians to link to a recent book talk or book review that can be used by others- to help purchase new books, learn about new books and to help give us book talk ideas.
My rules?
1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. NEW 2. Please link to your original content, not the content of others.  3. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them. 4. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library! 5. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)6. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-5.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!)  

For newcomers & visitors: Definition of "Book Talk" from Wikipedia: "A booktalk in the broadest terms is what is spoken with the intent to convince someone to read a book.  The booktalker gives the audience a glimpse of the setting, the characters, and/or the major conflict without providing the resolution or denouement. Booktalks make listeners care enough about the content of the book to want to read it. A long booktalk is usually about five to seven minutes long and a short booktalk is generally thirty seconds to two minutes long.

I never posted last week and I apologize... time got away from me and then at 10:00 on Tuesday, I remembered and didn't want to post... if I post that late, we get very few links. So please, link 2 posts this week if you like- or save one for the future! 
We put up our Christmas Tree last night. Leah managed to break 2 Hallmark ornaments... I smiled and told her it was okay even though I was sad! Later that night, she wrote a letter to Santa- telling him that she was still awake and that, although she may have been naughty, she is good now. When I tucked her in, she said "I need to get sleep for Santa." Little sweet thing! She thought Santa was coming today. She looks so dejected! How do you kick off the holiday season? Any traditions you are looking forward to?

1.Beyond The Pawpaw Trees: Charming Chapter Books (Read Aloud Dad)9.I Want My Hat Back! (Great Kid Books)17.Anything But Typical (liblaura5)
2.Have Fun, Anna Hibiscus (Flowering Minds)10.Sparrow Road (pageintraining)18.The No. 1 Car Spotter (The Cath in the Hat)
3.Ghetto Cowboy (sharpread)11.Kid Lit Frenzy19.What Do You Do with a Tail Like This? (A Curious Thing)
4.Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6: Cabin Fever (Jen Robinson)12.Picture Book- a- Day #3 (Try Curiosity!)20.Cloudy with a Chance of Boys (Heidi @ Geo Librarian)
5.What is Your Dog Doing? (Bigfoot Reads)13.The story of Astronomy and Stars (Playing by the book)21.Naughty Toes (Picture Books & Pirouettes)
6.Secrets of a Lab Rat--No Girls ALlowed Dogs OK (a to z library)14.The Crown on your Head by Nancy Tillman (Gathering Books)22.Oil Spill! (Wrapped in Foil)
7.Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes (Kidsmomo)15.brenda @ proseandkahn23.You're next!
8.Mystery Math (NC Teacher Stuff)16.Good Little Wolf (Teach Mentor Texts)


  1. That cartoon is AWESOME, Kelly! You always have the best graphics!

  2. When I was younger, the start of December had to involve A Muppet Family Christmas. Music was also a definite must.

  3. Oops! I linked too fast and didn't check the auto-fill feature! My book title is Migrant. Sorry!


  4. When the tree goes up, then it's the Christmas season. I'm not ready for all those pine needles yet. We'll go shopping for a tree in another week or so.

  5. Aah, that's a cute story about the Christmas tree and ornaments. At least she will get to be excited again on Christmas eve. We often spend the holidays away from home, but this year we are staying put, so we also put our tree up over the weekend. We got some ornaments from Michael's for the kids to color, and we made paper link chains for the tree :)
