I have been searching the web for a great place to post book reviews for
librarians and teachers to use in the classroom. Well, I am going to
try hosting my own Book Talk Tuesday! I invite teachers and librarians
to link to a recent book talk or book review that can be used by others-
to help purchase new books, learn about new books and to help give us
book talk ideas.
My rules?
My rules?
1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
NEW 2. Please link to your original content, not the content of others.
3. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids
visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be
appropriate for them.
4. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
5. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
6. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-5.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you
are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this
specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have
to scour your blog looking for it!)
For newcomers & visitors: Definition of "Book Talk" from Wikipedia:
"A booktalk in the broadest terms is what is spoken with the intent to
convince someone to read a book. The booktalker gives the audience a
glimpse of the setting, the characters, and/or the major conflict
without providing the resolution or denouement. Booktalks make listeners
care enough about the content of the book to want to read it. A long
booktalk is usually about five to seven minutes long and a short
booktalk is generally thirty seconds to two minutes long.
autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly
about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
~George Eliot
October is finally here! This is my favorite month of the year! I just knew it was October on Saturday by the way the air smelled. I love autumn, although I hate winter. I love the changing leaves, the food, Halloween, apple picking, warm sweatshirts, Pumpkin Spice Lattes... It could stay October forever and I would be very happy. I will spend the next month reading such fun Halloween books with my students. This one is my favorite:
What do you like about October... or not like about October? What season is your favorite and why? What will you teach this month? What traditions do you have with your family and friends during October?
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Apple cider and pumpkin pancakes!
ReplyDeleteJust linked my review of Goliath by Scott Westerfeld. A satisfying conclusion to a great trilogy!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you and George Eliot: autumn is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it; it's the time of year that makes me feel most happy to be alive.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a traditional booktalk, but I just added a link to our video about GUYS READ:THRILLER. I thought it was fitting, since you're talking about Halloween in this post!
ReplyDeleteAnd we love autumn too! 'Tis the season for baking my chocolate chip pumpkin bread, as I do every year!
It's so good to be back! Thanks for not giving up on me, Kelly!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite read aloud during the month of October is the short story "Duffy's Jacket" by Bruce Coville. It can be found in his book Oddly Enough. I ham up the story and make it soooooo scary for the sixth graders...and then the ending...well, you'll have to read it for yourself! :)
It seemed like summer out today. It was actually hot here in Minnesota. But my kiddo and I made a Leaf Man with the leaves at the park. I love fall. :)
ReplyDeleteIn addition to Halloween, everyone in my family except me has an October birthday. Seems like all we do is eat cake and sweets.
ReplyDeleteI love the changing leaves and pumpkin spice lattes, too. But Jeff's idea of pumpkin pancakes sounds fabulous. I will have to try that one!
ReplyDeleteWe have a fun tradition at our school here in Budapest. Instead of "Trick-or-treat" we have a TRUNK or treat. Everyone drives into the school parking lot, we lock the gate so no cars move, and open up our trunks to reveal decorations and spooky tricks. The kids go from car to car getting treats. They donate half of their candy at the end of the night to an orphanage in Romania.
ReplyDeleteI do love autumn. It's cool, but not yet cold. The beautiful leaves. Sigh of pleasure. :)
ReplyDeleteThe sweet smell of cool and apples, the wind and sounds of leaves falling. Not sure on the teaching bits yet, but am being interviewed for an after school programme co-ordinator in the small town I just moved to--thinking broadly of a book clubs, writing clubs, crafts--sharing. Er, that is, if I get the job! Thankful for the interview. It's a start. Happy October!
ReplyDeleteFall is my favorite season by far. It will be my first in the Pacific Northwest though and it's already hit by the rainy season so we'll see how much I enjoy it by the end of the month.
ReplyDeleteI love the crunching sounds of dried leaves as you walk along a wooded trail.I do love fresh warm cookies. Hence I have linked my review of "Cookies", I just read this to my daughter's KG class. I was pleasantly surprised at how many words they already understood.
ReplyDeleteI spent the morning at the pumpkin patch. Oh, I love fall! Thanks for the book suggestion. We'll have to try that one now that we are ready to go with our pumpkin.