My rules?
1. All content must be appropriate for children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade.
2. Please link to your original content, not the content of others.
3. Websites that you link to must be child friendly since lots of kids visit this site and if they click on your link, I want it to be appropriate for them.
4. Positive reviews only, please... we only spread love here at The Lemme Library!
5. Books must be available in The US. (you are welcome to link to ARC reviews)
6. I reserve the right to remove any reviews that don't meet criteria 1-5.
In the link title field, be sure to include the title of the book you are reviewing and your site name. In the URL field, please link to this specific post that contains the book review (That way people don't have to scour your blog looking for it!)
My little girl turned 4 this past weekend. 4. Four. Where has the time gone? As I get older, time goes faster, and I don't like it one bit. When I was younger, time moved at a snails pace. I couldn't wait for the future, I couldn't wait to get older, to move on. Now that I am the future, I want it to slow down. No. I want it to stop. (I am now in tears.) When I think about these little girls growing up and moving away from me, my heart breaks. For the past 8 years, they have been my entire life- the reason I get up, go to work, make dinner.... I am tired, stressed, completely disorganized... and I wouldn't have it any other way. Being a mom or dad is the most important and unappreciated job in the world. The hours are long and the paycheck is long... but the rewards are endless. On this 4th year of my youngest daughters life... I turn to Ferris Bueller: "Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it." This week, friends: slow down. Look around. Enjoy the small things. Read a good book. Read a bad book. Watch less tv. Smile more. Hug your kids... or someone else's kids (ask them first). Have a great week. Kelly
I have a review of Every Day Dress Up by Selina Alko, a refreshing alternative to the onslaught of princess books for young girls.
ReplyDeleteViolet reviewed the new picture book release Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham, illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky.
ReplyDeletePosted a short comparison of the Anya's Ghost vs Amelia Lost as part of the first round in Battle of the Kid's Books from SLJ.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your little one!! Love your advice for the week, too. Slow down. Look around...
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th birthday to your baby! A great book would be When I was Little: A Four Year Old's Memoirs of Her Youth by THE Jamie Lee Curtis - I have a feeling she'd like it. :)