April 19, 2011

Smart Board Resources

My new Smart Board will be installed this week and I hope I can put the smart in smart board and not make it a duh board! This is new territory for me and I am nervous yet excited! This post is a place to link to websites dedicated to Smart Board ideas. Please leave any of your favorite links in the comment field- or let me know how YOU use yours!
This site contains the most incredible collection of research-based, interactive, Physics simulations anywhere on the Internet. Best of all, these simulations are free to use online or download to your computer.They are a must-have for teachers with Interactive Whiteboards in the classroom. 
SMART Exchange is a one-stop destination designed to provide teachers with access to all of SMART's learning resources and the opportunity to connect with colleagues in a professional community. Custom-designed searches save time by delivering relevant results and a full visual preview of all SMART Notebook files, so teachers can easily evaluate a lesson before downloading it.
This one is made for me- it has trouble shooting and set up tutorials!
Lesson activities and resources powered by SMART Notebook™ collaborative learning software


  1. Last school year was the first time I'd worked with a smart board. While I was finishing library school, I was working as a paraeducator in between five different first grade classrooms. One of them was the first to pilot a smart board at that level. The kids were amazingly patient with me when I led activities using the board. It was challenging and a lot of fun. This fall, when I student taught for library school, it was then easier to learn how to make tools using SMART NOTEBOOK and the Promethean equivalent at my schools.

    I've used interactive whiteboards to teach about website evaluation (I love annotating on top of websites). I've also used them to have kids teach each other how to search for information.

    I've seen some Promethean charts that do a quiz show review for book care and seen things that are good for putting books in order, etc.

    It'd be pretty great to run Teachingbooks.net on a smart board as well.

  2. Nice! I will for sure pass this along to teachers. My goodness...I LOVE the smart board. Not a teacher, but I was doing a workshop and the teacher used it to quickly look up Pete Seeger and Abiyoyo and show him performing it...
