January 29, 2012

My New Favorite Site!

Am I the last person on the planet to learn about YourNextRead.com? I'm not? Good! After I finish a book, I mull around before I jump into my next book. I pick 2 or 3 books and read the first page or so. If I can't put it down, I keep reading. If I can put it down, I pick another book. I need a way to speed up the process! Normally, I would tell you to ask your librarian or your friend for a book suggestion. But, they aren't always around. So, try YourNextRead.com.
You don't have to sign up for an account, but you can. If you do, you can connect to your GoodReads account and all of your books magically appear!
Let me show you how it works.

Go to YourNextRead.com

Type in the title of the last book you read, or a book you really enjoyed. For this demonstration, I used Dead End in Norvelt.
Click on the correct book and you will be given books that you should consider. How are these books connected? Take a look:
I would say that all of these books are (mostly) historical fiction. Interestingly enough, many of them were on lots of Newbery 2012 watchlists! Hmmm.... If you have read one of the books they suggest, you can give it a thumbs up or thumbs down, depending id you agree or disagree. You can also click on one of the suggested books to see what they might lead to.
I would totally suggest that you read any or all of the books suggested above!

Head over there and try it out! Let me know what you think!


  1. You showed this in Library!! It looks so cool


  2. Thats so cool! I know what I'm doing later!

