December 29, 2011

2 Late 4 Xmas?

Thanks Sarah (AKA @Pageintraining) for making me feel awesome and awful at the same time.
1. Awesome: I want this. I want this now. I will have this.
2. Awful: I have mixed feelings about a "movie poster" ad for reading.
3. Awesome: I need this. I need this now. My library needs this. I will have this.
4. Awful: The kids really need to picture these characters for themselves.
5.Awesome: I love this. I love this now. My kids will love this. I will have this.
6. Awful: They are too clean and pretty. I don't think anyone, beside those in The Capital, looked this pretty.

 Buy your own here!


  1. I'd want one but we only go up to 5th grade. Can't really justify that. Nor do I have any walls to hang it on. My Yoda one took up the only space we had. Then they installed the cords and such for the docking station/mounted projector (which, don't get me wrong, are nice to have!) and my one little two and a half foot wide stretch of wall that did not have cabinets or shelves? Gone. Sigh. Hung some from the ceiling but kids are always banging on them. Plus the custodians keep taking them down. GRRRR.

  2. Oh my wow...kinda love it!

    Kinda true on the pretty peoples, lol
