September 27, 2010

Got Origami?

NEW! Click here to see Mitchell on Mr. Angleberger's website!  So cool!

 I am telling you that last year I fell in love with this book.  
I wrote a love letter to the author (not a REAL love letter... well...).  Anyway, I wrote him a letter telling him how awesome he is, how his book is awesome and how he is going to inspire so many 10-12 year old boys to read.  I told him that his book was way funnier than the Wimpy Kid books (I did- and I really think it is!).  He wrote back to me!  He even sent me a bunch of stuff in the mail- a great big huge Yoda and some other things!  The book is slowly catching on at Lemme... I thought it would be flying off the shelves.  So today, Mitchell came to library with the coolest origami Yoda!  I was so excited that I took pictures and sent them to Mr. Angleberger.  Here they are!

Have you read this hilarious book yet?  Did you love it?  Tell me your thoughts!  What is your favorite quote?

Update!  I emailed  Tom Angleberger the author of The Strange Case of Origami Yoda!  I sent him the pictures of Mitchell and his Yoda, and this is what he replied:

First of all, thanks for sending these pictures and connecting kids with the book! Fantastic!

Secondly, what Mitchell is holding there is the Kawahata Origami Yoda! That is a serious, high-difficulty piece of origami! I've tried it and failed it myself.

So please tell him that I'm very impressed and that I'd like to put his picture up on my Website.

Tom's site:
Directions for making a Kawahata Origami Yoda (or just ask Mitchell to make you one!)

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